Faces in a Crowd

Phlox subulata 'Bavaria' lifting it's many faces to the sun.

A busy day preparing for a revised Easter weekend.  Jamie not up to the long trip to Norfolk that was planned so I am off to stay near him for a couple of nights.  His grandma shed a tear when I called in to tell her he was not coming to stay ..... and I had a tear too :-(    

Late hotel bookings come expensive at Easter so as the weather is set fair I dug out the camping gear, still not a cheap option at £25/night but I think it will be fun and Jamie can visit and have camp cooking.   A proliferation of seedlings needed to be potted up and watering done at home and allotment so I was late on the road for an overnight at my Mum's en-route but by early evening the roads were quiet which was a nice bonus although an over-excited can of pop, opened as I sat in the car, would have given a good laugh to anyone watching ..... but no-one was.   Jeans in the wash now, good job I threw a pair of shorts in my bag!

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