Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Now I'm as sick as a parrot!

The invalid is getting better. I know this for a fact, because she was able wander around this morning and admonish me for leaving a radio and a light on in an empty room. Naughty. And she's had a bagel.

She did ring the surgery this morning and a doctor eventually rang back. Don't know the whole story, but the gist was, stay in bed. I think the doctor rather abruptly said goodbye, but JR didn't think the 'consultation' was finished. It's all to do with it being viral or bacterial. Don't know how they know over the phone.

Anyway, she's on the road to recovery at last. Has eaten a second bagel this afternoon. Custard not mentioned. Just as well, because I finished it off last night.

But I'm sick as a parrot!

Took the car up to the garage for a quick 'oil and grease'.

'£155 for the Big One.'

'£155? Do I need the big one? Can I have the Wee One?'

'No. Best to have the Big One every year.'

They rang JR while I was in the pool. A few wee things needing done. New wiper blades (£45. Special ones) A wee hole in the exhaust therefore new bit of exhaust, new hinge ('Have you heard any rattlings?') New this, new that - £660 please.


Went to the pool with Leo and his mum. I arranged last week to take photos. Still had to check with several people this morning again. Chose this one, as he was hanging on by himself. He crawled along, holding on to the bars, then, realising how near he was, made for the steps and climbed out. I think he was trying to tell us something...

When the toddlers had finished, I went in. There was a man going really fast and I asked him how he does it. He said he'd had a broken back! Broken back today, gall bladder removed yesterday - I think I'll start collecting ailments!

Must go and lie down in a darkened room. £660!

Thanks everyone - the wee horse was in the Spotlight all day. Normally, if I get an email to say 'You're in the Spotlight' and then I look, it's no longer there - must have just snuck in for a few minutes. But the wee horse has reached new heights.

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