Mr Flum's Tank Experience
Mr Flum took the driving seat of an armoured vehicle today (I failed to understand its true title) as a Christmas gift from the children. We all (except for Miss Flum, who had a previous engagement) went down to Alnwick to watch. They appear with the vehicle in the first extra photo.The event is run at an old drift mine, with a varied terrain.
After lunch at the nearby Hogshead Inn we did our best to read every book title in Barter Books, (where I received a refund for that which I had bought in error in January) before separating for our journey home.
Mr Flum and I pottered up the coast, stopping at Beadnell, where a large late C18 limekiln dominates the harbour; swimmers, windsurfers and jetski enjoyed the water watched by a series of pigeons from the vantage point of a tasteful weather vane (extra collage).
What a super day - thanks, kids.
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