Souvenir from last Christmas

Those of you who have stuck with me for over a year and thank you for that)xx ) may remember that last Christmas I went to Prague. This rather unusual bell was my tree treasure that I picked up in one of their markets. My tree has quite an odd assortment of souvenirs, ranging from some Alaskan boots to an authentic Rome Strega (witch)

I'm going away this year. It isn't that I don't like Christmas - I do - very much. I love deciding what to give, and meeting up and catching up.

But for those of us who are widowed without children, and whose parents and in-laws are no longer around, there is no obvious place to be. I have warm and affectionate invitations from family and friends, but for me the easiest way of dealing with this time of year is to escape and do something exciting. (This is not a whinge - just relaxed musing)

Christmas cruises used to sell out as soon as they were announced - at least fifteen months in advance. They used to be more expensive than other times. They used to be in very short supply. This year, they have become available and at ridiculously affordable prices. And I don't look gift horses in the mouth......

Sailing from Southampton on Saturday, with a few sea days (bridge and whale watching I hope), and then the first port of call as Madeira on Boxing Day. It could have been made for me. Continuing to three Canary islands and heading back North to Lisbon for the New Year fireworks, I think it could be rather fun......

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