A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Bridge To Somewhere

Just over here and left after the lamp and you arrive at my garden and terrace. This is the approach from the communal gardens. The pool is being repaired and sorted for the new year, but it is so warm today that a dip would be nice!

First day of the holiday and I have been with my sister and her partner (who flew in last night) and Mum for most of the day.

I have to admit to feeling just a tad jaded today after a fantastic staff do last night. Eleven of us met for preprandials and set off to the venue in three identical white taxis. We arrived in convoy. The restaurant facade was decorated with coloured fairy lights and smart flunkies opened the taxi doors for us to alight. It felt a bit like being at a film premiere!!

The Director does not attend this event as he does not want to cramp our style and so hair was duly let down and we dined and danced into the early hours.

I decided to walk home - about 25 minutes in the warm night air - and so felt much better than I might have done otherwise. Still not 100% this morning though.

I had better do some shopping mañana or Christmas will arrive and catch me unprepared!

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