It rocks to clock a quokka
I've hobnobbed with quokkas
I met by the road
on the island of Rottnest,
their only abode.
They're so used to tourists
with camera and bike,
that one let me stroke it,
to my great delight.
I'd not overdo it -
I know they're no pet,
but today meeting quokkas
was my favourite day yet.
From Elizabeth Quay in Perth we took a boat trip to Rottnest Island, about 75 minutes' ride away. The island is famous for its quokkas, a small marsupial that is only found there and nowhere else. They're so beautiful. The boat carries hire-bikes for anyone who wants to use them, and we had booked ours so were able to pedal around the island and encounter quokkas as well as enjoying the views. One quokka came towards me to say 'hello' - they're all quite inquisitive. (See Extra, too!)
The island has two lighthouses and we climbed to the top of the Wadjemup Lighthouse, which is on the highest point of the island. Super views of the island and coastline (see Extra). We were led by Guru, a volunteer guide who takes an unpaid day off work once every four weeks to perform this task as he so enjoys it.
The boat's route out of the harbour along the Swan River and across the sea passed Fremantle, where we were yesterday, so I was able to take a photo from the water of the Maritime Museum and the Submarine (the latter just to the right of the crane in yet another Extra). It was really hot today and cycling in baking sunshine has certainly given us a good workout! What a fabulous day we've had!
NOTE: Having to sit in the hotel lobby to get a signal, so apologies for the sparcity of visits from me just now.
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