Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Outdoors at last!

Morning was slowed up by realising the bike had a flat. In hindsight, it probably had a flat last time I took it out (first time this year) but I didn't notice as the wind was so strong it hid the noise and I assumed that was why it was so hard going. I quick pump up and a couple of tentative checks on route and I was at the allotment.

A lot of clearing of beds for planting. In seeing this photo it has occurred to me that weeds grow a lot less on the membrane without the chippings. I am wondering why I dutifully poured time and money in to my paths when it seems just the membrane would have done the job!

A nice trip out to Harlaw in the afternoon with B and our first wild "swim" if the year. I stayed in 12 minutes but I hesitate to call it a swim as it was far too icy to have hands in for long.

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