Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


Was in a team meeting for most of the day with a team Christmas lunch thrown in. When I say Christmas lunch, it was at an Indian/Thai restaurant. I don't mean they couldn't decide - they had an Indian menu and a Thai menu. I have to say it was a treat being able to choose whichever you wanted, or even, as most of us did, something off both menus.

Very pleasant time had!

We were expecting to continue the team meeting afterwards. I had been timetabled to give a presentation with no time to prepare. I'd thrown together a few slides intending to wing it for the rest, but, sadly, we ran out of time and inclination to finish the agenda. I was last. I now have a months grace. I have time to do a proper job next time.

I had wanted to use my new toy today but not had chance - I took possession of a 16-35mm zoom last night. It has closed the only hole in my lens armoury, my widest being 24mm - not quite as wide as I would like. Having sold my 50D a few months ago, my 10-24mm zoom went with it so leaving that landscape deficiency (it didn't fit a flu-frame sensor). You're going to get a few images from that super lens over coming days and weeks.

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