Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Easter Saturday at the Meadows

Saturday, so that means bike maintenance, after a haircut. With new drivetrain on the commute and road bike, there's not much to do. It's still breezy outside, but not as much, and from a slightly more southerly direction. It's warm. Morning coffee is taken outside. Hard to believe this time last year, it was snowing.

After lunch, my partner and I go down to Newington. There isn't much in the charity shops. We also we walk to Forest Road to visit the two charity shops there, again slim pckings. Then its down to Tollcross for coffee and cake. We walk through the Meadows, which is quite packed with people. There are various BBQs on the go. You can spot the professionals, no throwaway foil tray BBQ for them.

After coffee, it's a quick visit to the charity shops near the café. We have to make a quick visit to a bike shop as my partner has to return some cycling longs, then its home. We're not having a BBQ. Curry for tea.

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