
By NellieD

A new home

The food bank I support had the official opening of their new premises tonight.  The new building is amazing and they have been given some amazing donations, from a large corner sofa from a very famous furniture company to glass fronted fridges and freezers.  Artists have decorated the walls with gorgeous artwork and so many musicians gave up their evening to come along to play at the event.  I, on the other hand, ate quite a bit of cake!

This beautiful canvas was made by Georgia Meek and when you look closely there are words running all through her hair such as kindness, courage, inspire, believe.  

The food bank was 'declared open' by their celebrity ambassador, Dolly-Rose Campbell, who plays Gemma in Coronation Street.  She must have rushed back from her caravan holiday with Chesney!

I will be spending the next two days preparing for an interview - they tell me it will be an hour and a half and includes an in-tray exercise, whatever that is!

Quote for today:
Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today.
- Bruce Lee

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