View Through My Lens...

By boyzee


The story of Colonel Willy and his comrades from 148 (Meiktila) Commando Forward Observation Battery, Royal Artillery in the Falklands was captured in a book by one of the other naval gunfire forward observers (Capt Hugh McManners) called Falklands Commando. I read this book as a 13 year old boy and made my mind up to join up and in particular join the Royal Artillery.

Whilst I didn't serve with the Commando Gunner Regiment I did do my time as an artillery forward observation officer, particularly in Bosnia when the Kosovo intervention took place in 1999 and their was much uncertainty as to how the Bosnian Serbs would react (Luckily they didn't!!).

I owe the inspiration for my life journey to Colonel Willy and Hugh. I had the pleasure of meeting and working alongside Colonel Willy in Bosnia in 1996 and he was as delightful as his obituary says he was.

This obi was in today's Times. Not everyone will agree with our chosen profession but to the men he worked for and alongside, he was was adored (and by whom all accounts, he equally cherished them) and was utterly competent and professional at his job....

Colonel Willy you were an inspiration - thank you. Your place in The Times today is totally appropriate - RIP Sir.

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