Scapa Blue

Some much needed rain first thing; gradually it lapsed into another turquoise sky day with a stiff sooth east breeze.  I have been left to my own devices today; the main consolation is being in sole charge of a brand new chocolate cake.  Luckily not many folk Blip folk have met me but I am infamous for not liking anything sweet.  I never eat biscuits or fancies.  There is one exception.  The Current Mrs Creel makes me a chocolate cake when I have performed well during my annual appraisal. 

Her chocolate cake is enough to make Sophie Grigson go gaga.  I’m not sure whether today it is polite to use ‘Sophie Grigson’, but it's that good.  If we get visitors during the cake’s existence I quickly hide it and extract the word ‘sharing’ from the OED.  Winds from the south east, dancing later.


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