
By schorschi

Cool, wet & windy

Got Bliped today but look like a stuffed Christmas goose. Last night it snowed slightly and so I dressed up for arctic conditions, layers of pullovers, 2 trousers etc etc. Only when I went out did I see the temperature was a warm +5°C but decided to leave the layers on. Rosie, Luna, Flash & I then had an hour free of drizzle. Photo was taken just before we went out & Luna was already on the way & not prepared to sit quietly for another Blip.
Now the dogs are sleeping & I am waiting for my hot cross bun dough to rise. Won't cross the buns today but looking forward to a cup of coffee & a butter covered warm raisin bun.
According to my bread recipe book, in German, but written by UK's Linda Collister, the ancient Egyptians "sacrifiiced" similar buns to the Moon Goddess and although Luna was the Roman Moon Goddess, a nice link for today.
Just seen the weather forecast for Christmas Eve - up to +17°C!!
Have a great weekend

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