Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

So This is Christmas

Another random day off which started with a bit of babysitting for Pippilongstock's new addition to the family. Supercute but he didn't do anything interesting enough to blip as he zzzzzzzzzzzzd away in his carrier though. Next time I'll prod him, wake him up and make him do something interesting.

Next stop was to brave Morrisons and start the Christmas shopping. I got there around midday and had I got there any later it would have been unbearable. You could feel the chaos and the frenzy rising. Then this afternoon it was time to start making the gravy (see pic) for Christmas day. Meanwhile, it's barely stopped raining up here for 48 hours now and it's beginning to feel a bit sodden. Let's hope it dries up a bit for the big day. Right, time for a sneaky afternoon glass of wine before another episode of Spiral.

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