Parrotcation - Who's a pretty boy then?
I don't want to speak too soon, but I think Stan & I might have come to an understanding. It's early days. Does that look like a twinkle in his eye?? We have chatted about him being nice to me before, after all it is ME that is going to prepare his toast the way he likes it, fillet his peanuts, give him the finest water, dissect his apple, change his reading material (newspaper in the bottom of his cage), & wheel him out into the sunshine if I think it's warm enough, for the next week while Cassiesmum & Jorgiesdad are away. Cassie & Lucy are here with me too. We all get along famously, in fact it's only me awake here. Monty & Dixie from next door are having a sleepover, literally.
Today has been a day of toing & froing. Got here nice and early, unpacked the car then we walked up onto the Common. Got everyone settled when we returned, fed the cats, then nipped back to pick hubby up to collect his car from the garage, quick coffee back at base, planted a few more sweetcorn seed up while my coffee was cooling, then back here for Cassie's lunch time.
Spent a little while messing about with my camera and a bunch of beautiful anemones that J had left for me. Had a PV moment which I was quite happy with as a first attempt. Afternoon walk with the dogs, fed the cats, made dinner .............. chilled, still chilling in fact.
Need to get my Grandma's Cornelian ring that I wear cut off either tomorrow or Monday. I've only noticed in the past week how my finger has swollen, it feels quite tender & painful as well. Arthritis I guess. Anyway, I can't remove the ring so will have to get it cut. Don't think about this ailments when you're young, but they are gradually creeping up on me. Opening jars and medicine bottles are becoming difficult as well. Hey ho!!
Has Storm Hannah passed, it certainly looks a lot calmer outside. Let's hope so.
Right then, lets go and do the washing up.
Ciao 4 now!
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