My Springtime Lawn Mowers
"Deer" Diary,
I have a little herd of deer that live in the woods behind my property and they often visit, especially in the spring when the grass is just beginning to green up. They just seem to know when it's time to give it a trim. There were seven of them but here are 5, two more were behind the potting shed. I've added an extra of one curious little one that came a bit closer. They look surprisingly well after our long winter.
I love seeing them in the yard but they do remind me that we are starting tick season and the deer ticks are the ones that carry Lyme disease. I'll need to start being careful, stuffing pant legs into socks and checking when I come in. It is not as bad here as in other places but still, it is wise to be vigilant.
OMG! I just discovered that this is the third year in a row I've posted a photo of my little herd of deer on this day! Now, that is amazing!
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