Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Botchit and Scarper (again)

Before I went to the UK I mentioned to Roy that the lounge needed painting, he said he would do it whilst I was away. I said 'no way' as I wanted a change of colour, everything is white, and I wouldn't trust him to choose the right colour. So yesterday, we went to buy the paint. We chose magnolia (boring) but it fits in with the colour scheme of the lounge. I went to the gym for a spinning class, came back to find Roy painting the lounge. In his typical style he had not moved all the furniture, but was moving a bit then painting then moving it back!! I also think he needs new glasses as well as hearing aids, as there were several patches he had missed. So today, after my gym session, I came back to find him painting again, and the paint pot and roller tray resting on one of my tea towels in the kitchen, very hygenic!! So I followed him round with the roller and re did all the walls, to my satisfaction, painted the ceiling, he hates doing ceilings. Washed, ironed and rehung the curtains, sorted out the cupboards and got rid of odd glasses. Roy wanted to throw out some flimsy glasses!! I told him that as they were Royal Doulton and a present from A. Rose it would not be a wise move.

I had a panic for half an hour as I couldn't find my spanish credit and debit card, I'd left them here as I didn't need them in the UK, Roy had tidied up and moved them to a different place than where I had left them, don't you just love men!!

Anyway for our tea, because of the hectic day I took some home made soup ou of the freezer, we had that with bacon butties and pancakes to follow.

Botchit and scarper is what Sarah used to call Roy & I, as we used to go and decorate for her when she had the house in Wesminster Street and Rossendale Close. Off to do my accounts to see how much money I have in my account having spent a week in the UK.

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