Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Herts County U/17 Badminton Team

After a long day at work I took Mr E to his badminton training in Hatfield. I had to wrap him up as a christmas present first. Of course we were running late so I didn't get an individual blip. I did manage to get this shot from the viewing balcony.

It had to be done quick, Mr.E's outfit was disintegrating fast.

The coach (Father Christmas assisted by his elf)) split the squad into two large teams for a tournament of crazy games. These were silly, fun games - but the serious discussions about tactics and the furtive whispered instructions had to be seen to be believed. Talk about competitive.

It was so much fun. The hilarity and pure joy these guys were having was infective. I had planned on going home but the time flew past and I stayed for the entire session. A great time had by all.

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