Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Down by a third

It is hard to fathom that this year is already 1/3 over - where on earth does all the time go??  This is the time of year that I want each minute, hour, day to last longer ... and yet time just marches on.

Hubs and I gymmed today - day 2 of 5, all cardio for me today.  And tonight we are off to the northern edge of the county where I am giving my Monarch Butterfly program to a nature club.  Should be fun.

I popped outside briefly after the gym and took a few random shots.  I liked this one of a male White-breasted Nuthatch the best, even though it's a very common yard bird here throughout the year.  I've not seen a female around recently, so suspect they are already brooding eggs somewhere back in the woods.  Hoping to see little nuthatch fledglings one of these days.



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