jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Working on my day off

A day for appointments and checkups. Ben and Steve to the dentist, and Charley and me to see the Health Visitor. It was supposed to be our Thursday Off but after getting a "fantastic patient" sticker for Ben, a further appointment for Steve, and a glowing report for Charley (who, predictably, didn't want to "perform" for the HV but instead did his own thing and suitably impressed her anyway so that's them off my back for another while) we walked into town and had a quick lunch in one of our favourite cafes. Ben had said in the supermarket to Steve, "I've got a good idea! Let's go to the cafe!" So we did. It wasn't the right cafe though so we had to go to a shop for a chocolate lolly for him.

I managed to have a grand old hypo walking from the clinic to the cafe though and fixed it in style as my vision narrowed and legs slowly detached themselves from my brain. It's amazing how quickly the sugar in orange juice gets into your bloodstream - less than 30 seconds after drinking a small bottle of orange juice the world was back to normal and my legs were back in the normal chain of command again! Sadly my brain was still in hypo-world and made me buy thorntons chocolates. Might as well make the most of a bad hypo I suppose.

Band practise for me this evening and while I was out Steve made dinner while Charley slept in the sling on him. I came back to find Charley stuffing himself with rice, who then, by the time Ben wanted to go to bed after falling backwards out of a tub and giving himself concussion, was bouncing off the ceiling almost. I've not heard Charley laugh so much or be quite so ticklish as he was this evening!! Then he discovered that hiding under the duvet was hilarious too so he played peekaboo for a while, lunging out at me cackling with laughter. Then he wanted to kiss Ben goodnight but I think he was going for a nose-bite but ended up just lunging over me and headbutting Ben in the face instead. After all that I fell asleep too and woke up when Charley bashed me in the face with my glasses which I'd apparently left on my chest for some reason....

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