A dose of mundane
We had a fun day today, with a pile of corflute small hoardings to staple to pre-arranged and permitted fences, we made a circuitous route around Hamilton...Marion, driver, Dr D chief stapler , Ann and I nurse-persons cum secretaries...enlarging the circuit to include Ngaruawahia and in the journey were stopped by trains at 3 level rail crossings! Now, if you are familiar with the (lack of) frequency of use of the NZ rail "network" you'll recognise this coincidence as a minor miracle. It gave us lots of laughs however and after a delicious taco luncheon back in Hamilton, we completed the stapling/hoarding circuit and headed home. That followed by a quick jaunt down to friendly and efficient Te Awamutu and we had 3 telephone accounts altered to suit and home again to prepare dinner...baked herbed butter potatoes to accompany the Boeuf Bourguignon. The parsley will be stirred into the beef just before serving and is growing right outside the backdoor just where one needs it...there'll be no anaemia in this house : ))
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