Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

What the............?

Sitting in the lounge first thing this morning and I almost jumped out of my skin as a sudden flurry of feathers passed by the left hand side of my head.

How a small sparrow managed to get into the lounge, where no external windows or doors had been opened for some weeks was a mystery. And I don't think our cat is going to tell me any time soon. The cat's behaviour this morning was, to put it mildly, rather agitated. I'm guessing he brought it in last night and it escaped him and flew off.

Anyway, imagine two people chasing a small bird around the room, trying unsuccessfully to encourage the bird through a now open patio door. It was comical. The bird couldn't tell the opening was there and just flew from one perch to the other, including the top of the Chirstmas tree.

Finally, he flew into the closed portion of the patio windows. Stunned, he dropped to the floor and when we approached he finally flew out through the opening.

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