Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

In my Face

The mearest chance of a good sunrise had me scurrying out to the common this morning. Trouble was it ws blowing hard and the clouds were banking up towards the east providing a barrier to obscure any sunshine.

Well in those circumstances you have to adapt. I wanted to use the Lee Big Stopper I have had for some time but never remember to use. I still haven't as when I set up and composed the image I could achieve a 30 second exposure merely by reducing the ISO to 50 and using a small aperture.

There are times when I get frustrated by the blur caused by the wind in my landscape images but on this occasion I made use of it. I am set up pointing into the wind, hence the title, moved around so this silver birch was in the best position and looked for some foreground interest.

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