Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Busy day for all

What a day of tidying up! Clearing out cupboards, re-organising stuff, and generally being busy all day. It's been a long time coming, and it took me by surprise, one job just led to the next.

It started when I cleared out the wood burner for the last time. Just a bag of kindling left. And so I could clear out the shelf where the wood had been kept, then I painted it. But I was on a roll! The next shelf was cleared, and the next. Loads of tools, tins of this and that, screws, locks, handles, loads of different light bulbs - one had my father's writing on it - 'My bedside light'. So that's pretty old. However, some of it is useful. I popped the whole lot on the Freecycle site and a minute later had three replies. I took it off the site before I was inundated.

Archie, meanwhile, had a busy day too. In the morning Michael took him down to the Meadows. In the afternoon Libby took him to the Hermitage. They had a lovely sunny walk, er, until it rained on the way home. (Photo by Libby).

Central heating on tonight for the first time for absolutely ages - we've just been using the wood burner since the renovations began in January.

Every time I walk through the hall, I have to open both cupboards and admire the tidy, much reduced contents. We'll keep 'em that way too.

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