
By lauramary

Blue flowers

It was a bit of a blue day really. I started off seeing K, which I was rather apprehensive about. It was all perfectly pleasant, but I think I felt like she wasn’t being real. Maybe I wasn’t. Who knows. We’d intended to see bluebells but alas, there were none. Just many white flowers and an occasional blue weed!

I was not impressed with life while I lunches at home with my housemate. But then I went off to photocopy some stuff at church and felt so left alone despite the presence of three people working in the same room. I felt weighted down with sadness when I got to Louise’s.

I don’t think I was on top form there but felt especially grim when I was left with S. I love him but I really struggled with my mood. I did spot some nice blue flowers though!

The evening has been quite a bit better, thankfully.

I finished learning psalm 91 today! I’m glad I have as it’s so comforting and a good distraction if I recite it while walking somewhere; it stops so many negative thoughts and feelings coming in.

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