Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

The Holly & the Ivy

You may enjoy listening to this "different" version from Steeleye Span.

Once more we head into an Atlantic storm or more correctly it heads for us. It has arrived and will be with you shortly. Please spare a thought for those whose Christmas has and is about to be stuffed by flood water.

Flossie and I met a lady and her son while walking this morning. The parents and two sons had driven down from Barnsley yesterday, their first time in Cornwall, apparently it was either here or the highlands. They were both delightful and interested in the valley, the history of the tin mines etc.

Do you know something? I'm sure she understood every word I said. Marvellous what can be achieved by shouting and hand gestures, all the way from "Yerksheer" and she understood me.

Rant warning.........
If you are wondering about today's tableaux, wonder not. The thought came to me as I wandered, WTF is Christingle? Is it infectious, can it be transferred by insanitary ablutions, are we doomed. The front page of the local paper has a report of a Nativity Play. Well bugger moi but haven't we as an island race, subject to domination by Rumpey Pumpey given up on all things Christian? I'm not a religious soul, far from it, I'm a Jedi but we don't get our minority groups to rename Ramadan "Not now thank you" or "Eat less until nightfall," we are tolerant. Maybe religion is not taught as it used to be in schools or to the same degree of compulsion but Christingle? Where did that come from?

I appreciate a good religious holiday, our minorities revel in the sheer number they have all managed to co-opt into their calendars, so why change the name of our major celebration?

Might as well call it BrianGate in worship of the Monty Python crew.

If you like suffering there's yet another 3D model created here. I'm fighting the mental strain and hopefully improving each day. This time I wanted to achieve some processing in each of the 12 images prior to composing them into a 3D model or video. Seems to have worked at a basic level.

That's all, nothing to see here, move along now, move along, thank you...

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