
I think this is one of the warbler family, I am happy to be corrected.
This morning I planted some box plants under the front window, the idea being to stop soil splashing the white work on the house. As the shrubs stay evergreen we hope they will do the job. This afternoon we have both done a mass clear up in our common shared garden. We do have a gardener/ odd job man come in for 3.5 hours a week but he only likes using machinery, eg cutting the grass with the mower and blowing the leaves with his blower. We have dug weeds, picked up all the tree debris from the massive oak tree, pulled up ivy, and generally tidied up. There is a mass of garden waste to take to the dump tomorrow. A neighbour suggested I shouldn’t be doing it but as I said to her, we have to look at it as our house fronts on to the main garden.

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