High as a kite !

Last week I bought Furbie a present. I found a pot of Catnep on the herb stall in Lichfield market.

She went totally loopy. She spun round, rolled and rolled, raced around and behaved very oddly. I gave her just a leaf and she destroyed it, and then proceeded to lick the flooring in that area.

I was concerned, so I put the pot safely into the garden. I put it in its pot in the centre of a large tub.

When I came down this morning and glanced through the window, the pot was on the path, with the contents well chewed and the soil scattered. I went out to rescue it and came face to face with next door cat, Blue. He marched towards me, clearly annoyed that I was taking it away!

The plant is now recovering on the windowsill in the downstairs loo.

Neither cat was pleased to be described as a b***** junkie.

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