Cooking with Gousto!

A friend gave me a code for a half price Gousto box which arrived today. If you’re not familiar with Gousto, it’s a box of ingredients and recipe cards which you choose online, providing you with 4 days meals which you cook at home. I picked the 4 meals I wanted to make on Saturday from a list of about 40 recipes. The chilled ingredients are kept cold with ice packs and are wrapped in a woollen insulated (compostable) blanket and everything else you need including vegetables, spices, garlic etc. are all measured out ready for you to use. The thing that struck me most was the hideous waste of packaging. Everything is measured out into tiny little plastic sachets and pots, causing an awful lot of wasted packaging.

I made the butter chicken curry with coriander rice and it was actually delicious. Everyone ate it and there were no leftovers. Definitely a positive! I’m not sure I could justify the expense of having a box every week but as an occasional treat. It feels really special.

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