Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Not all Bad birdwatching

This year for the first time I have set out to and recorded every different bird species I have seen.

It was meant to be a bad birdwatchers list along the lines of Simon Barnes book How to be a Bad Birdwatcher. What I mean by that is that I would record which birds I just happened to see on my travels by foot or by car. So not a twitchers list!

... I have ended up with a higher number than I expected by specifically looking at birds during a week in North Norfolk. I estimate that week added 41 species that I was unlikely to have seen and in fact have not seen since.

So do I count them or not well I think I do.

My first bird of the year was a Robin and my final one ( I'm not expecting to see anything different in the final week ) a Kingfisher - seen this week quite by chance and just because I saw a flash of blue out of the corner of my eye while Christmas Shopping and went to investigate - No a bad bit of birdwatching.

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