
By sas05

my bum look big in this ...??

im wearing a dress cos ali was sooo sick with this virus she couldnt come out to play last nite,, so seeemed the thing to do to put it on ..Went with Liz ,and Marina with me pictured here .. were thinking ,, arhh its a abba nite ,, there beloads of peeps dressing up...and can you imagine my surprise when we arrive at the brook to find another guy wearing the same dress,, dontcha just hate that ...actually , we were the only ones in santa yup i stuck out like a sore thumb.... to that end i picked on by the crowd and also the band even picked on me.. so i can now say ive appeared on the same stage as the greats in i become the 5th member of Bjorn again when i dragged
up on stage to dance with the band on dancing queen..ohhhh dear god im glad theres no photographic evidence..

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