Spring green
One for my window series, also featuring shutters, half a door, and a rather odd drainpipe.
The Thursday walk felt like a flipping marathon today. We walked to Lagrasse and back again. According to Wikiloc it was only 14 km and 200 m of climbing but it took four hours and felt longer. Especially once we got to the edge of Lagrasse and J-L, instead of proposing to slake our thirst in a bar, promptly ordered us to turn around and take the same route back. All that way and not even a cold beer? Hmph :)
S reckoned it was more tiring because it was all on tarmac -- plus it was hot. I only took a small bottle of water thinking we weren't going far, and I'd drunk it all before we got back. At home I drank about another half litre. See the classic view of Lagrasse in extras.
S didn't come because he went to the dentist first thing and got yet more antibiotics, and painkillers so strong that he retired to bed zonked. No wonder the dentist told him not to drive. Fresh appointment on Monday.
We had artichokes with lemon butter for lunch. Two down, two cooked ones in the fridge, five to go.
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