Bug Hunter

Grand-parenting moves into top gear now, as little miss stays over on Sunday nights! I'm sure it will keep us younger, but perhaps not as young as the last time we had a ten month old baby sleeping in our house...

Sunday sleep-overs mean that mum can get to work tomorrow without fighting the peak time traffic in both directions. That'll be a relief, of course, but may not entirely reduce the stress of going back to work.

In the meantime it's been a lovely day, and we had a barbecue lunch and spent the day in the gardens. afterward we tried to play tennis but a giant baby got in the way. See extra. ;-) 

Feels very much like one of those American B-movies of the fifties. Attack of the Giant Baby! Anyhow, Nannie has had to go for a lie down now and I'm fairly sure Grandad is hoping for a quiet night. Here we go!

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