Sunday scarecrow...

The usual Sunday day of rest ! Once cattle were fed and feeding bagged up decided to tackle the lawns. The wee lawnmower is still at my mechanic pal’s getting fixed( I hope ) so decided to give the old ride on a go. I had to fit 3 new tyres the other day as the ones on it were all perished and replace a petrol hose which was the same. After half a day on the battery charger it still wouldn’t start so had to jump start it with the booster box.
Got the lawns cut ok then decided to do the roadsides at the road end. Managed to stall the mower on a thick lump so had to walk back and get a tractor and set of jump leads to get going again.
After that I went to fill barley into the hopper above the mixer ready to do another batch only to have the top conveyor chain fall apart again. Bugger.
So it was another hour down the hole with the big hoover unjamming everything then a clamber round the rafters trying to join the chain again. The joys .
This scarecrow was enjoying his outlook on life as I went to check the calving cows tonight.

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