The Old Town

Poor Asha woke with a high temperature again, so she's been at home with me...she perked up by lunchtime and seemed cooler... As a result of having a morning in, I got quite a few house-y jobs done that I've been putting off - a silver lining! Saw Sinead and Darcey in the afternoon, Asha enjoyed it but did seem subdued. 
Danny went and took a bag of clothes down for the homeless guys to rummage through and take some bits...James and Rich have donated all sorts of new stuff. Post bedtime I nipped along the Port to get a blip - I'd planned to photograph the guys who were coming over to pray for Sa Penya, but it was cancelled last minute. 

Drama of the day;
Nate pulling a coffee table over and smashing all sorts...thankfully he was fine, our things are not!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha feeling better this end of the day.
2) Getting some longstanding jobs done.
3) Sinead.

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