We're being followed...!

After a morning doing school work and housework, the kids and I went and met Claire in Nude for a drink. So sooo lovely to be able to do that! We saw a few friends from the streets too which was really great. One guy came over for some of his stuff we've been looking after - his news was that the government are helping homeless people out by paying for a year in a hostel, giving them a chance to start to get onto their feet...we'll see if it happens, really hope so!
We were naughty this afternoon and went for a walk the 4 of us (we can go to a cafe together but not for a wander!!), but Danny and Asha kept well behind Nate and me, as you can see from my blip. I've added an extra in too, the light was shining so beautifully early evening. 
We Zoomed my aunt and uncle in Bournemouth this evening, brilliant to see their faces.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Feeling less wiped out today.
2) Nude cafe.
3) Beautiful places to walk around.

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