
By LifeinAlohaland

Father, son and daughter-in-law ... Ohana

Our first day with Ruben and Beatrice. A lovely day! First of all, naturally, a walk along the beach. Unfortunately, the sun hid itself behind clouds today, but R and B were duly impressed with Waimanalo Beach. 

Still, we decided to go over to the Waikiki side of the island in search of the sun, and we found it there. And Jerry. He kindly became our tour guide for our Waikiki visit, and that was a lot of fun. We went to the Moana Surfrider Hotel, where T, R and B had a drink while Jerry and I went for a wonderful swim. It was divine. 

Shopping at Costco on our way home, an easy dinner of ravioli, and an early night for all. 

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