
...Experiment with the painterly renders.
I have come to understand one of my many weird side tracks of late.
If I really like a song I will play it until I don't (my rubber band can stretch very very far)...or someone throws something at my head to snap me out of my repetition.
If I open up my heart to  someone I will love them to bits until some weird spanner decides to jump into the works....(there are some I will never stop loving)...or they are still being loved but not quite so intensely after a while and have settled into a comfortable and very special place in my heart....(I am sure it is much to the relief of the recipient).

I have been know to dye all my cloths green ...all the way down to bras and shoes... green coat and for 2 years only wore green....I did a similiar thing with black too (except for the underwear).

I have discovered a way to create a painterly render on my images...I love it......revisiting old images and turning them into a painted look...everything I can get my hands on gets a render...not all look as good as I thought they would but wow I am on a roll.
In fact I am so turned on by it that I am even considering picking up my pastels and brushes lovely smincke watercolours have been dusted off and when the money box replenishes from the boys birthday and mothers day ...I am going to get myself a beautiful the one I have had for over 30 years that has now been eaten by some rotten and hungry bugs.

I have rambled long enough...I am so happy that I have got around to blip today...its been a bit like pulling teeth and after the long days in such a short space of time it becomes dark so early.

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