
Across the kitchen table at dinner time, the delicious scent of the first Sweet Peas of the year.   Sown last autumn, they are from seed I saved off the varieties I grew last year.  So pot luck on colours, maybe I'll get a nice surprise or two.

Admin am followed by some garden and plant related stuff.  At Una's pm where the drains were blocked again :-(   Having had  busy morning Una slept during most of my shift after I'd sorted drains (oh you really do not want to know what that entails!) so I had some quiet time to myself, never a bad thing.  After dinner I did a couple of hours hard labour moving my largest trough into a sunnier spot which will suit the plants growing in it better than the shady place it came from.   Far too heavy to lift in any way, the job involved a lot of levering and some rollers cut from pine branches (see extra pic.)    Almost pitch dark when Jacinta called me in for a cuppa but I'm happy with the job done.

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