
I'm assuming that people who live in London don't get too excited about Big Ben, The London Eye, the Tower etc and that people who live in Edinburgh don't get excited about open top bus rides showing the city sights. I picked up this leaflet last week when I was in Manchester. There was a lot of advertising about the 'Factory tour', visiting the sight of the Hacienda nightclub, Gmex (venue for the Festival of the 10th Summer in 1986), the Ritz nightclub, the Freetrade Hall (venue of the legendary Sex Pistols concert in 1976). To obsessive music fans this is probably quite an exciting tour. But I'm from Manchester, spent too many Thursday nights in the Hacienda, was at the Festival of The 10th Summer, have been to the Ritz many times etc etc. Unfortunately I was too young (11) to see the Pistols at the Freetrade Hall. So, I just couldn't get too enthusiastic about this tour and feel quite sorry for people who pay to look at buildings that now have other uses or don't exist at all.

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