Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Bow ties are cool...

... And so are sonic screwdrivers.

I've been rendered useless by a stealth attack of migraine and sinusitis the last 28 hours, so this morning I told the darling son he could open one of his Christmas presents early if he could be a good boy and let me rest today.

He managed to pick the main present. I tried to talk him into picking one of the others, but he justified opening that one with "but it is smaller than the others". I was in no mood to argue. Knowing that he's wanted what was in the wrapping paper for 18 months, I preemptively blocked my ears. This was wise, because there was much excited squealing and shrieking and jumping around.

A sonic screwdriver. My little man is an epic Doctor Who fan, and conned me into buying him the bowtie a little while ago, using "bowties are cool" in his persuasion.

All he needs now is a fez... Because fezzes are cool, too.

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