Last Day
What a relief.
This week has been a week of suspense. I finally gave my notice in on Monday, and not a word has been said, a verbal acknowledgement from my manager and nothing else. Mind you there is no one to say anything. They've all gone, they have either been 'let go', resigned or gone to Budapest to train. I really have felt like the last little tin soldier.
To add to the disconnect the guy I was training on my workload went off sick on Wednesday, so if does actually come back in on Monday he will pick up my books on two days training. I had a month and it was no where near enough.
Today at two I went up to Richard and asked him to let me go. I'd cleaned up everything I could and printed off everything I wanted and stolen a couple of pens. I was amazed my access was still continuing, it should really have been withdrawn. Richard agreed and escorted me from the building, taking my card and my access tokens. We shook hands at the door. He can if he chooses stay on till August.
I now intend to spend the weekend cleaning the house, thinking, making lists and booking a holiday.
Why do illustrators put antennae on dragonflies? They don't have antennae....
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