Bumped into Tess finishing a walk just as I was starting mine. Twelve dogs all together, had a blast!! It took some time to disentangle my group from hers and be on our way. Some of hers wanted to join me and some of mine wanted to stay with Auntie Tess!

Have had an absolutely hideous stressful week, one thing after another. Was hoping for some chill out time with the Neds to de stress before doing a meet and greet with a new client this evening but this week not done with me yet- more bad news.

I got Jack in to lunge ahead of Eva's lesson tomorrow and he just didn't look right. I asked Sharon to have a look and she felt feint pulses on both front legs. His crest is also hard. Early warning signs of the dreaded laminitis. So he's in the stable for a few days with soaked hay. It's worrying because hes been in a tiny pen with restricted grass intake, having soaked hay so has already been managed like a pre laminitic pony yet this has still happened. Hopefully I've caught it early enough. There's so many going down with it. Just need it to stop raining! We've had such a mild winter, all the horses have come out of it over weight. Then the grass has just gone bonkers in the last few weeks. I'm just gutted and so worried especially as I have been so careful with him, I don't know how to manage his grass intake going forward.

He's already booked in to see the vet on Wednesday for a suspected sarcoid. More bad news. So I will keep him in till then. There was a farrier at the yard this arvo and he had a look and said as he wasn't shuffling about to still work him if he doesn't get any worse by morning so I'll see how he is tomorrow and hopefully Eva can still have her lesson.

Buddy is also being stabled during the day as he was out in a bigger field. Lime in a pen and won't stable anyway but have put Buddy in with him tonight so they can eat the grass down together. Total nightmare. The grass is far too rich. They just need to be on hard standing with soaked hay. Shitty end to a shitty week.

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