So small
My day started with a sing-a-long showing of Calamity Jane at the local cinema as part of the film festival. It was great except I think I was the only one singing along!! Haha! I loved it anyway.
Late in the afternoon I took Toby out for a walk. We walked from the cricket field, intending on crossing the river at Bardon and coming back.
However, just after the Strid, Toby found this little fellow laying on the path. I figured he was dead until I got up to him and saw him moving. Did something get him? I couldn't see any evidence. Is he just exhausted? Perhaps not got enough water or something? I couldn't just leave him so picked him up and started back thinking maybe if I get some sugar water into him he might revive. But a little along the path and he started struggling, so I laid him down on the path. Then I could see that he was ill. It looked similar to Cathie's school rabbit when it got a brain parasite. :(. I watched him for a little while and knew there was nothing I could do for him. Then I saw him gasping for air. :(. The only thing I could do was care about this poor little young life. So I sat down. Picked him back up and cradled him in my hands until he died. :(
All this time Toby had either laid down and watched the little rabbit carefully or walked directly by my heal looking up. Now we were on the hunt to find a suitable tree to lay the little fellow down to rest. We found a nice tree far from the path with a good hollow at the base and surrounded by blue bells.
So sad. :(
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