sits outside and miauws softly. We had seen her now and then. I give her some bread because I don't have catfood. She is not meagre at all, she is rather thick, not like real stray cats. I think she gets her food from several families.
Piet Hein had droven Mischa to the emergency dentist in Hofgeismar, just in time before Christmas. The pain did not diminish and it turned out that the stich was clumsily done in the hospital in The Hague. The wound could not heal that way, but hopefully it will be better from now on.
Slowly the Christmas feeling can come down upon us now. A CD with carols, the creative tree is a great success (we all think) and one of us will show it in Blipland.

My haiku:

The past is over
Move on through the dark times and
Let there be more light

And the proverb from Shakespeare:

He/She jests at scars that never felt a wound.

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