Wet Christmas Eve

It was an early start for us today. We got to Waitrose at 8am to get the few last bits of food and then after putting the bags in the car we went for a coffee. Everywhere seemed so quiet, other people were probably doing the sensible thing and having lay-ins.

I took a small Christmas tree to my parent's grave today. It still seems weird saying that. After 20 years I've got used to the fact that my dad has gone, but still feel like my mum could walk through the door. We walked down to the bridge from the churchyard to see how high the river was, this is the highest I've ever seen it, but luckily it won't cause any problems. I feel so sorry for all the people who won't be at home this Christmas due to floods.

Little bit of trivia - the photo is of Bridgefoot in Iver. If Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is on at Christmas, the bridge to the right in the photo and mostly obscured by trees, is the one that the baddies try to blow up in the film.

Well it's Christmas Eve, have a brilliant Christmas everyone, we certainly intent to :)

Forgot to add, Whisky is doing great!!!!!!!

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