Spinning Around
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
It was lovely chatting to you O’H dear. Pesky work means it’s been ages since I have spoken to either of you and I miss my kiwi chats.
The Youngest Mini Princess started her paper round today. She is very excited about entering the work force and has already worked out a savings plan and is asking about high interest accounts. What has happened to the youths of today? I was the complete opposite at her age. I suppose that’s what happens when you can stream all your music and you don’t have a large collection of Smash Hits. She’lll also never know the joy of going to the corner shop for an quarter (or an eighth if you were skint) of soor plooms*!
I went to a spinning class tonight. The class was taken by a crazy and very stern Eastern European lady who frankly terrified me.
‘KEEP THE SAME PACE AS ME,’ she hollered with legs that were moving so quickly that they had become a blur. ‘DO NOT LIGHTEN THE GEAR.’
I was puggled after 5 minutes. It’s lucky that this entry didn’t have to be done via a ouija board. Blips from beyond!
*or to buy your mum’s fags. It was the eighties!
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