The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Spinning Around

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was lovely chatting to you O’H dear. Pesky work means it’s been ages since I have spoken to either of you and I miss my kiwi chats.

The Youngest Mini Princess started her paper round today. She is very excited about entering the work force and has already worked out a savings plan and is asking about high interest accounts. What has happened to the youths of today? I was the complete opposite at her age. I suppose that’s what happens when you can stream all your music and you don’t have a large collection of Smash Hits. She’lll also never know the joy of going to the corner shop for an quarter (or an eighth if you were skint) of soor plooms*!

I went to a spinning class tonight. The class was taken by a crazy and very stern Eastern European lady who frankly terrified me.

‘KEEP THE SAME PACE AS ME,’ she hollered with legs that were moving so quickly that they had become a blur. ‘DO NOT LIGHTEN THE GEAR.’

I was puggled after 5 minutes. It’s lucky that this entry didn’t have to be done via a ouija board. Blips from beyond!


*or to buy your mum’s fags. It was the eighties!

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