The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Back In The Saddle

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I cycled to North Berwick today. Despite being a longer cycle than last week, it felt easier ***TMI WARNING*** on my undercarriage. I was explaining this to The Prince who said he was relieved to hear that this week was vulvatastic. I wholeheartedly agreed, ‘Yeah, because last week was vulvageddon.’ The Prince, a rather reluctant participant in this conversation to start with, requested a subject change. Or my silence!

Having recharged in North Berwick with tea and cake, we went to get a train back only to realise that we had just missed one and they were hourly. So after pondering how to fill the time, we went for a cheeky pint in The Golfers Rest.

Alcohol and exercise. Who knew they went so well together!


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