Call Me Reverend

My funeral service has come and gone. All and all, I thought it went pretty well. I got choked up a couple of times, but managed to fight through it.

The passing of Grandma Donna has left 3 grown boys without a mother, one of which is my brother-in-law Steve. I have found that no matter if the death is expected or is still a gut-wrenching experience to go through. Having gone through the loss of my mother 11 years ago, I think that time does heal, but I'm still praying that the boys and their familes receive the comfort that they need.

I told Steve after the service that his mama was of a kind. I said in my eulogy that she was loud and proud, and that she was brassy and sassy. But, she was all of those things in a good way. She was easy to like...easy to love.

I wore my yellow sweater becuse Donna always dressed in a very colorful way, and always to the nines.

How do like the fact that I parked my loaner van in the clergy spot? 

Since I gave the speecher,
I got the spot of the preacher.

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