
By SimonC

Building no 2 along a short road.

Overcast this afternoon. I seem to be be drawn to a small section of a short road lately and this is one of those barns on it. I had a chat with a photographer once about his work and he was explaining about how he worked through a small section of a stream, he didn't get to the end of it but just worked meticulously on a small section of it. Its just working and reworking small areas and images.

He also discussed the notion of fully getting to understand a Landscape by being part of it over a long period of time to fully bring out its subtlety and stories, all of which is very reasonable and something I subscribe to anyway.

I enjoy images that have a subtle narrative within Landscape, not about the view but more about the human interaction within it and that record that seems to remain, that can reviewed through the image.

this however is a quick photo of a barn that needs going back to, its opposite this one

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